Take bandage off after an hour or 2, do not leave it on for more than 12 hours. Do not remove bandage until you can properly clean your tattoo with anti-bacterial soap and warm water. Gently pat it dry with paper towel and air-dry for 15 minutes before applying tattoo healing products, unscented lotion or a&d ointment. When using A&D ointment, apply a small amount on the tattoo just enough to make it shine and wipe off the excess. Moisturize tattoo 2-3 times a day. Stay out of the sun as much as possible and do not go swimming or submerge in water, limit yourself to short  showers until the tattoo finished peeling. Do not pick off scabs or scratch tattooed area. And I normally ask my clients to come back a month after so I can see how the tattoo healed.